I-band-like non-dispersive inter-shell interaction induced Raman lines in the D-band region of double-walled carbon nanotubes (bibtex)
by Gyimesi, Bálint, Koltai, János, Zólyomi, Viktor and Kürti, Jenő
Non-dispersive, inter-layer interaction induced Raman peaks (I bands)—in the region of the D band—have been observed recently for bilayer graphene, when the two layers were rotated with respect to each other. Here, similar observations for double-walled carbon nanotubes are theoretically predicted. The prediction is based on double resonance theory, involving non-zone-centered phonons, and the effect of disorder is replaced by interaction between the two tubes.
I-band-like non-dispersive inter-shell interaction induced Raman lines in the D-band region of double-walled carbon nanotubes (Gyimesi, Bálint, Koltai, János, Zólyomi, Viktor and Kürti, Jenő), In Appl. Phys. A, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
	title = {I-band-like non-dispersive inter-shell interaction induced {Raman} lines in the {D}-band region of double-walled carbon nanotubes},
	issn = {0947-8396, 1432-0630},
	url = {http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00339-014-8762-z},
	doi = {10.1007/s00339-014-8762-z},
	abstract = {Non-dispersive, inter-layer interaction induced Raman peaks (I bands)—in the region of the D band—have been observed recently for bilayer graphene, when the two layers were rotated with respect to each other. Here, similar observations for double-walled carbon nanotubes are theoretically predicted. The prediction is based on double resonance theory, involving non-zone-centered phonons, and the effect of disorder is replaced by interaction between the two tubes.},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2015-01-05},
	journal = {Appl. Phys. A},
	author = {Gyimesi, Bálint and Koltai, János and Zólyomi, Viktor and Kürti, Jenő},
	month = sep,
	year = {2014},
	keywords = {Characterization and Evaluation of Materials, Condensed Matter Physics, Nanotechnology, Operating Procedures, Materials Treatment, Optical and Electronic Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces, Thin Films},
	pages = {1--7},
	file = {Full Text PDF:/home/koltai/.zotero/zotero/e95q5zt4.default/zotero/storage/7UFDJI2P/Gyimesi et al. - 2014 - I-band-like non-dispersive inter-shell interaction.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:/home/koltai/.zotero/zotero/e95q5zt4.default/zotero/storage/6KZGGHRB/s00339-014-8762-z.html:text/html}
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